As you know I've been becoming more and more interested in fashion photography. I'm more of a traditionalist whereas I prefer it when there's next to no Photoshop involved. I went to a Q&A for the photographer, Pogus Augustus late last year where he remarked
I love the graininess the film gives, the appearance of age
I laughed to myself when at ' The Glamour of the Gods' - an exhibition on the glamourous figures of the 'Golden Era', as it was those factors that breathed life into the images and made them modern in our vintage hungry society.
However, I must say I am being swayed by the constant reinvention of photography and shear fearlessness of current photographers. For instance, Begum Yetis. You won't find much on her but she is definitely on the up. Having already contributed to the likes of 1883 Digital and TheOnes2Watch. Her influences included Helmut Newton, music and London. The latter being the most resourceful in my eyes as London is the 'cup running over' so to speak. Nudity is a consistent theme in much of her work, but it's so chic as if to say "you have them too" (breasts I am referring to).

I think her location shots are the most interesting as she seamlessly connects the detailing of the fashion to the scene which provides this strength in the images. I am a very big fan of theatrics , and the dramatic lighting she uses to create this intimidating figure of a woman just wipes out the damsel in distress notion completely. She and Gareth Pugh would make a powerful duo.
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